This is set in season 3. When Elena and Damon go to Denver to find her younger brother Jeremy when they are looking for Rose's sire, they share a romantic moment. Elena used to date Damon's younger brother Stefan, but after he left he changed. He broke her heart. He starts to get his humanity back and pushes her to go on the trip with Damon. No one ever expected this. Jeremy wakes up when Rose (Damon's dead "friend") and walks out of their room only to find then lip-locked. Since Rose can speak to Jeremy, she told him that her sire is a girl named Mary and she tells Jeremy where she is. They all go to her house and leave Jeremy waiting in the car. What they didn't know was that Kol was already there and had staked Mary because he didn't want them killing his other siblings, or himself for that matter. What will happen when Kol takes Elena and tortures her? Will Damon save her? How will Klaus react?
Alaric gets turned into an original vampire hunter by Esther and kills Klaus. When Matt is driving Elena out of town, Rebekah appears in the middle of the road, causing them to crash in the water. Elena makes Stefan choose Matt and she dies. Kol is very affected by this but he doesn't know why.Todos os Direitos Reservados