Set in the eerie backdrop of a small town in Idaho, "The Marked Coffin" follows the journey of young adult detective Ash Miller as he confronts a sinister curse that grips his hometown. As Ash navigates the complexities of the case, he finds himself entangled with new allies and adversaries, including the enigmatic detective Derek Jones. Despite their initial animosity, Ash and Derek must join forces to unravel the mysteries shrouding the cursed town. The story delves into Ash's internal struggles as he grapples with the weight of the investigation and his haunted past. As the deadline looms for solving the case, Ash and Derek unearth shocking revelations that lead them to confront a malevolent force lurking in the shadows. Filled with suspense, intrigue, and supernatural elements, "The Marked Coffin" is a gripping tale of one detective's quest for justice in the face of ancient evils. Will Ash be able to break the curse and save his town, or will he become another victim of the evil forces at play?
7 parts