Instead of making seprate books for all the Fire Emblem stories I wanna write, I'ma just bop all of them into this one book. I'll try my best to organize all chapters in order when they come out regardless of posting order (For example chapter 4 of story C comes out followed by Chapter 2 of story A)
to make it simple for all of you, I'll post the chapter followed by an announcement in this book saying that I published a chapter for -Insert story title here-
it'll make sense once I start posting, hopefully. anyways, I do not own Fire Emblem or their characters in any kind of way, maybe the very rare OC appearance, story ideas, and AU's, but that's it. everything else doesn't belong to me! Without farther ado then let's get this party going!
Small note, I have played all 4 FE3H routes all the way through along with the Ashen Wolves DLC, I'm in the progress of finishing Shadows of Valentia, and am close to finishing the 3rd route/option for FE Fates
Let's say a story gets popular, then I'll transport it to its own story ^^
This story collection includes;
-Time swaps???
-A bunch of loud children (Only the purest)
-What if's, alternative choices, etc
-Nothing 18+ other than rare swearing and blood in certain stories, character death may happen
-Possible spoilers for those who have not done all 4 FE3H routes
-Crossovers from other fandoms or people's own fire emblem stories since I'll be using characters, classes, and relationships or small cute moments that I personally think will fit or classes I have certified for my playthrough of the game
-Possible OOC, Some characters I have 0 clue how to write
-Cringy content
-Suggestions and ideas!
-And me loosing my sanity
Want to ask me questions? See my behind the scenes? Even see my upcoming story sneak peeks?
There's even something better-talking to me about anything you want!