Base films: Thor I through Avengers: End Game (except for Iron Man and Spider Man ... I still have a doubt about the two Guardians of the Galaxy films ...)
The characters belong to Marvel except Nanna and other characters whose membership I will mention with a special acronym (*).
The character of Nanna belongs to the category of Asir, the generation of the first Asgardians, but I have chosen to present the character in a varied form which brings together different identities of Gods and Goddesses of Peace. This choice was made in order to have a greater coherence of the narration.
I want to warn fans of Marvel, I haven't read the comics, so I can vary the story of the main characters known and appreciated. I wouldn't call Sigyn, Loki's main wife, sorry, however, she will be a facet of Nanna.
I also wish to mention the fact that at times time will pass more slowly than in the above-mentioned films.
This is my first fan fiction, so please indulge. Do not hesitate to point out to me any spelling mistakes, or even mistakes of agreement or conjugation. In short, be indulgent. If you have to comment, I would like it to be with respect to everyone.
Good reading