This story should be used with caution, not taken internally, and avoided by those who have a congenital lack of humor, who take themselves and the world too seriously, and those looking for something serious to read. This little saga pokes fun at bureaucracy, paperwork, heroes, and the latest fad in looming environmental crises. Find out how to save the world in six easy lessons, or not. No trees were harmed or paperwork filed in the creation of this document, but the author has done it again: wasting precious cyberspace with another piece of silly drivel. So take another romp through the fickle world of Foible, where a sense of humor is your only weapon against incomprehension. There is no redeeming value in this story whatsoever, except perhaps to make you smile. At least there are no Princesses involved this time. Follow an Official Investigator to the hamlet of Happytown to prevent the emergence of a Prophesied Hero, but what happens next would even flummox Prophecy itself.Tous Droits Réservés
1 chapitre