(This Story is based on the 2018 film adaption of 'Samson'.) Honora Askynhartz was a Hebrew citizen living in Ancient Israel, in the city of Gaza. Honora has been alone, but for a tragic reason. Honora's mother, Ophelia, was eaten by a Lion. Honora's father, Jaleel, was enslaved by a philistine king, known as King Balek. Even though Honora was only fifteen, she knew not to disrespect King Balek, or his son, Prince Rallah. "She is pleasing to the eye," Prince Rallah observed, as he watched the girl worriedly run to her father, embracing him in a hug. Prince Rallah smirked, "Her father must die. For then I, will be King, and I shall have Samson's power. And Honora, will stand by my side as my Queen."