11 Kapitel Laufend When the world was tethering on the edge of absolute destruction, four powerful witches came together and created a spell that gave immense powers of the elements to four human families. They granted them the ability to gain power from and control the earth, fire, wind, and water. The elements of fire and water were most strong, with their magic overpowering that of the earth and wind.
A kingdom was formed and magical borders were created around it. The Mollo family, given the power of fire, were to rule, but soon the River family, with control over water, went into battle with them. The kingdom was divided into two, and a feud to last generations created between the two.
Years later, when the magic in the kingdom begins to weaken, the descendants of the two families and sworn enemies from birth, Mora Mollo and Kai River, are tasked with venturing beyond the borders and finding the remedy to their fleeting powers.