Amber, Aubrey, and Andrea are basically sisters, some call them the 'Triple A's and some would call them the 'Three Locos'. They're crazy, energetic, funny, and very beautiful, perhaps too beautiful. Everyone respects them in their city, Starling City. Amber is the one who is crazy, light headed, annoying, and friendly. Aubrey is the one who is girly, fake, loud, and very protective of her family (since she's the eldest). Andrea, well, Andrea is Andrea, she's smart, heart-like face, sweet, kind, caring, beautiful, but stubborn, silent, tempered, and scary (if she's mad or furious). These girls are one of a kind, they're envied by many but they respect them, because you can't say no to those pretty faces. If they fight, they would say sorry in a few seconds later, doubt it that you will see them separated, no no no, they're very close, always together, forever. But the only thing is that they lost their loving mother when she had a heart attack, their father has been distant and it's killing them, so when he remarried, their step-mother has been very strict towards them, and their step-brother has been very cruel. Ryan (step-brother) became popular in the city, they would think of him as the loving brother of the Triple As, but he is very cruel towards them. There isn't a day that he will leave them without a car to ride in. So the three girls just bought their own. What Ryan didn't know is that once you mess with the Girls, you mess with their bloody period. What if they all transferred to another school because of moving in London? Will they be loved by others as what others loved about them when they were in Starling City? Or will it all change because of their dear step-brother who used to live there, respected? What if these three girl meets three mysterious bad boys in London? Find out with these beautiful girls.