Eu, Ian Benny, estava no auge da minha vida de merda, nesse lugar de merda que chamo de lar. Bom seja como for eu amo esse lugar. Minha rotina era sempre a mesma coisa, como qualquer outro Adolescente de 17 anos, ou melhor, um idoso precoce cheio de dores nas costas.
No meu dia a dia, eu ia pra escola, jogava vídeo game, dormia, comia, ou ia jogar bola as vezes, e raramente, festejava por aí pra não dizer que sou anti-social.
minha vida familiar não é a das melhores, minha vida escolar se resume em uma palavra "Sorte", e... minha vida amorosa ? bom, como devo explicar isso ? porque tendo 17 anos eu nem sabia o significado de "Vida amorosa" nem sabia que estado civil poderia ter outras respostas além de solteiro. Foi num dia, numa festa de aniversário, tudo mudou quando me fizeram por acaso uma pergunta:
" Você aceita, Ian ?"
• Palavras de baixo calão 🚫
• cenas Hot18 🚫
• Temas: Sexualidade, homofobia, estupro, violência 🚫
After being involved with a cold-hearted mafia boss, Robyn Lehman decides its time to run. Little did she know, she was carrying the future heir to his entire empire.
Will he find her again? Or will she stay hidden forever?
He got up from the bed, pulling up his pants and not taking a glance at me. I lay in the sheets, still dazed by what we had just done.
"Get up." He barks, making me jump a bit. I was confused beyond belief. Just moments ago he was making love to me...
I did as he said, wrapping the loose sheet around my body, he continued to glare as I did so, and I made my way to his side of the bed.
He held out a hand, an angry look on his face. "Don't. Just go. This was a mistake, and it won't happen again." He mutters coldly.
I feel my face heating up and my eyes welling with tears. "Oh.." I stare at him, my emotions beginning to be hard to keep in.
He laughs, shaking his head. "You thought I cared?" He let out a loud chuckle. "You mean nothing to me. Now go to your room, I don't want to see you in here again."