People say that "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." That "Everything happens for a reason.", and that "There's always a lesson to be learned." But I wonder if that's just a way to "make sense" of all the sensless things, you know?
What gives anyone else the right to decide what I need, Other than me? It'd be so much easier to use faith as a fallback, wouldnt it? To believe that anything and everything is just part of some bigger plan. And that somehow, someway, everything would be ok.
But my world isn't like that, theres so much more in this world than people know. And even the ones that do, more often than not try to explain it in a way that doesnt actually address it.
Theres alot more than just what "Goes bump in the night." Its here, all around us, the supernatural is part of it all. Since maybe even before time itself. Peculiar things happen, and people try to give reason to it. But sometimes logic isnt always right.
Life and Death are one thing we all share. The only question is time, how much or how little we have. As a witch, we arent much different from the rest of the world. Were born, we live, we die. End of story.
Atleast until now. My name is Kena, and I am dead, kind of...
Not everything can be explained away in a few words, sometimes it just happens. Life happens, and in the blink of eye, things can change, or come to an end. How easily people you once shared everything with, can become no more than a stranger. But even when it seems to be over, nothing is ever as it seems, especially not when it comes to the Neon Daemon...
You see, Fate has a funny way of working things out, even if it's not how you planned. And I hope more than anything that, that's true... As they say "If the ending of your story is a happy one, does it really matter how it began?"
Not every person is lucky enough to live a life they always wished for. Not even everyone knows what they desire from the life itself. From what I have noticed, one part wants fame, another wants money. There is also the part that wishes for knowledge. For me, I always wanted a family. The one I could truly trust and depend on. In other words, people with whom I belong. I guess, those kinds of wishes were expected from an orphan. Yes, that's me Kathryn Swan. A naïve little orphan from West of London. What's so different about me some might think. In my adoption journals it is noted that I originated from France and somehow got sent here, to London. Besides that little blip there nothing too exciting about me. Well maybe, the fact that I can wield magical powers. And living in 1890's it was quite out of ordinary to find a muggle born witch especially a late bloomer like me. Knowing now, I guess the deep childhood trauma kept my magical abilities dormant. Care to wager - in the end you'll be left as clueless as I once was.
All that I did to try to undo it, all of my pain and all the excuses - I was a kid but I wasn't clueless. Scatter 'cross my family line... I'm so good at telling lies, that must come from my mother's side - told a million to survive.
You are welcome to be the main witness to my crazy and sometimes scary life, witness my mistakes and the promises that I broke.