People say that "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." That "Everything happens for a reason.", and that "There's always a lesson to be learned." But I wonder if that's just a way to "make sense" of all the sensless things, you know?
What gives anyone else the right to decide what I need, Other than me? It'd be so much easier to use faith as a fallback, wouldnt it? To believe that anything and everything is just part of some bigger plan. And that somehow, someway, everything would be ok.
But my world isn't like that, theres so much more in this world than people know. And even the ones that do, more often than not try to explain it in a way that doesnt actually address it.
Theres alot more than just what "Goes bump in the night." Its here, all around us, the supernatural is part of it all. Since maybe even before time itself. Peculiar things happen, and people try to give reason to it. But sometimes logic isnt always right.
Life and Death are one thing we all share. The only question is time, how much or how little we have. As a witch, we arent much different from the rest of the world. Were born, we live, we die. End of story.
Atleast until now. My name is Kena, and I am dead, kind of...
Not everything can be explained away in a few words, sometimes it just happens. Life happens, and in the blink of eye, things can change, or come to an end. How easily people you once shared everything with, can become no more than a stranger. But even when it seems to be over, nothing is ever as it seems, especially not when it comes to the Neon Daemon...
You see, Fate has a funny way of working things out, even if it's not how you planned. And I hope more than anything that, that's true... As they say "If the ending of your story is a happy one, does it really matter how it began?"
My life has been an intense journey from a little girl who was beaten down and abused into believing that she was worthless, to a woman at 43 years of age who is still desperately searching for who she truly is. I found her though. I did. And she writes like me, from inside of me. She is me. This girl that I've been in love with since time first existed, is indeed me. The way that she walks. With her hands... and how she talks? The hearts that she's captured, the souls that she has inspired. I'm now trying to be her. I've never felt that I was good enough to actually be myself!!! I always knew how pure and clear and free I was inside. But people told me otherwise, in a very cruel way. No one ever spared my feelings or thought to speak to me with kindness or love. My parents were very serious and strict people. They believed that there was only 1 way to act and inside I knew that I did NOT fit in the parameters of the behavior expected of me. And every single time I made my Step Daddy sigh or frown it felt like I knife in my heart. I was a let down. Always too loud. Always moving too much. Always too fat and always too ugly. Always too much. Unless I sat quietly. But I've always been a firecracker and all of that containment really made me want to blow off! All of what was inside of me, swirling and dividing in me. Burying the side of me that I loved the most! I was a bastard and a blasphemy. Harsh words for a girl of 3. They said them when they baptized me.