Power Rangers: Galactic Squadron
9 parts Ongoing Years ago, an alien known as Rumlar Dred invaded Earth and caused massive amount of damage and death, but the planet succeeded in protecting Earth and force Rumlar and his army to go into hiding. With the Earth being paranoid, multiple governmental branches have been formed with the intention of creating technology and weaponry that will help them defend Earth from another attack; But sadly, only one had survived and soon it was disbanded.
A few years later, a secret alien organization known as D.W.A.R.F. has begun their plan with human evolution and world domination. They've taken it upon themselves to kidnap humans and turn them into powered aliens known as Cosmarks, humans infused with dark matter and other materials, to test their experiments and at the same time, make their opponents stronger.
A college girl awakens from a terrible alternate reality or was it? It is up to her to bring together a group of skilled people to fight against the evil organization and protect the world while also solving the mystery surrounding the Ranger powers, and their connections to Space and Time.
These suits and some of the pictures do not belong to me. They belong to their rightful creators.