"just whatever you do, please dont jump."
I had never expected to be standing here, after all life had finally taken a turn for the better for once, but just as soon as it was better it got worse.
I finally had gotten out of a toxic relationship, it felt great and it was such a relief knowing I could go to bed and not have to worry if I was going to wake up with an extra bruise for sleeping on the wrong side of the bed, "his side of the bed"
I had met someone during that time, he was the person who made my life better, who helped it seem as if everything was going to be alright, and around him it was.
Adam, or Corpse and I had met at a mall, cliche really but I had managed to run directly into him, literally i had ran straight into him.
I had apologized but he just laughed it off, to him it was hilarious and after a minute I found it funny too, he always had a way of making me laugh no matter the situation.
I knew that what I was about to do would hurt him but I couldn't keep these thoughts out of my head, repeating and screaming the same things at me every day, horrible thoughts ran across my mind all day even at night.
I didn't expect him to be there though when I was about to jump, I was frozen and paralyzed by fear, not that he was there but that I had gotten caught by him.
to me his opinion mattered greatly, so I did this all in secret I wrote the note and didn't send the messages to them until I was about to do it, I didn't tell anybody about my thoughts unless it was him but I was tired of burdening him with my problems so I figured bottling it up would be better.
I was wrong, the thoughts got worse over the days, weeks and months and it was only a matter of time before this happened and I knew it and I think he did too.
"y/n please just don't jump, im begging you."