This story is in the eyes of a girl named Candace Gretter who has a crush on one of her friends, but isn't sure if she likes her back. Takes place in their 9th grade year.
Assume that everyone is LGBTQ+ unless stated otherwise
Main characters and some background:
Candace Gretter- Story is in her POV, a lesbian and masculine. Brown hair, about shoulder length. Not perfectly skinny, that's one of her insecurities. Mixed, black and white.
DJ Smith- Closeted bisexual, questioning if she's a demigirl, nonbinary, or just a girl. Blonde curly hair that goes almost down her back, and on the occasion that she straightens it, goes down to her thighs. White.
Joey Fox- Feminine gay, but attracted to masculine enbies. Significant other is a masculine enbie. Likes doing makeup, although isn't very good yet. Curly short dark brown hair, Filipino and black.
Ash Adkins- Non binary. Joey's s/o. Asexual and bi, attracted to enbies and guys. White.
Louie Williams- Transgender and pansexual, Ash's best friend. Korean.