Music of the Ainur. Tell me my confession; hence, what shall be the sense of this world's and mine creation?...
As me and we all walk within the dampness,
My name is Melethiel-I'm sharpshooter in Mirkwood forest.
I was wondering, stumbling upon Legolas the elf,
My heart has now found the second half.
It doesn't seem-that's now the end,
Other things I meant.
Sensitivity feeling upon a Sun oven-tray, they all headed me to; I feel, I see none a tomb.
Penance for disobedience. Thus, it means-they never deserved me (!), I've never wanted a tough relief, only if...
So, Creator asked me, and I responded: "I didn't like to live".
Obscurity-I'd thought, I still think-this's a cure...
For, there is a heavenly ladder I want to climb.
It's all because, I'm
Somewhere in unique place-between the time and a space!
Silmaril in winds, Silmaril in skies, and Silmaril in waters.
Never are forgotten by the Elven Middle Earth walkers.
There is now an end to the Sacred Oath.
Gods have sung, and, obscurity had, slowly, faded in - from very beginning, both.