Set two years before the events of Age of Resistance, this tale centers around Tavra & Onica's adventures with Sifan captain, Athyra. A strong, beautiful, weathered Gelfling, full of charm and sledgehammer wit. After fleeing from her Vapran roots, she was taken in by the Sifa at a young age and is now captain of a samaudren, leading a band of haggard pirates who are about to set sail on a heroic quest. But first, she needs a strong warrior and a fardreamer. When Onica catches word of this, she sends for Tavra to join her on this adventure. Yet in the shadows of the seas, a secret revolution whispers, and both may soon find themselves in the middle of a world far too large. This series will release in Acts, with each section being around 3500 words. One new piece of the story will release every month!