Deep in the District of Art, there lies an establishment known as Les Étoiles-Soirée. The most renowned dance academy in the country, aspiring dancers can only dream of being accepted into their program. When 17 year-old Finch receives a mysterious request to stay at the academy and join the Belles, the elite team of dancers, she has no idea what's in store. Orphaned at three, Finch has never danced in her life. However, the charming headmaster Kassandra sees her potential, and refuses to let her go. In the midst of making enemies, Finch makes a name for herself and achieves the coveted title of Primadonna, surprising the world and even herself. But soon, when the title causes her life to go awry, Finch becomes wary of the position. When all her life's work is at stake, Finch must make a drastic decision - one that could change her life.