"I can be very persistent," he purrs, cornering me between the sink.
"So can I," I retort crossing my arms. He needs to know that I'm not intimidated by him, because can't he take a hint? He may be Jaymi's mate, but that doesn't mean anything.
"Go on 100 dates with me,"
"Thirty dates." He grins, unaffected by the rejection.
"Leave me alone. I said no."
"Fifteen dates then."
"Are you out of your mind?!"
"Fifteen or I'll kiss you." He bargains, then leans in when I don't answer.
I push him away when his nose touches mine. He stumbles slightly, but regains his balance. "Corner me like that again and I'll-"
That grin didn't falter. "You'll what? Tell Jaymi? You're a boarding school girl. You aren't threatening."
Oh I'm not, am I? Counting to three, I raise my left foot and aim...direct hit. It's my turn to smile as I see him on the floor. Seriously? Didn't guys only do that in the movies? "Threatening enough?" I taunt. "I'll give you those dates once I get hit by a car."