RUBY is a Rhodesian Ridgeback/pitbull cross. The Master is training her to become one of his "champions", dogs that he has made to fight to the death. But, Ruby doesn't want to be a fighter. She yearns for a family, someone who will love and care for her.
TUCKER Is a scrawny white pitbull. His sole purpose in life is to be a bait dog for The Master's "champions". He lives in fear, wondering if he will even survive the next day.
DUNCAN is a tan and white pitbull. He has risen above the ranks, and is one of The Master's champion fighting dogs. He has experiencing so much hate, violence, and bloodshed, but he hopes that someday, he'll be free of his suffering.
The three dogs' paths entwine, and they find themselves placed in an animal shelter called The Haven. Together, they learn to love and, eventually, forgive.
Her whole life she has only been sure of one thing. She was a dog. A pet that was used at her handler wished. She has been trained to fight and kill. She has been trained to be obedient. She has been broken and rebuilt into what they wanted her to be. To follow every command without question, to kill without hesitation.
But everything comes with a price.
He found her in the most unexpected way. He found her in a state that no one thought was possible. He found her on the brink of sanity.
He is an Alpha, she was trained to be nothing. He is determined to fix the damage that has been done and find the girl that is trapped under the damage that has been done to her body and mind.
But will he be able to? Or has she simply gone to feral?