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  • Reads 265,629
  • Votes 7,813
  • Parts 40
  • Time 4h 21m
  • Reads 265,629
  • Votes 7,813
  • Parts 40
  • Time 4h 21m
Ongoing, First published Oct 15, 2020
(Y/N) (L/N) was the right-hand soldier of the Supreme Deity of the goddess race. The one that protected her and gave her information in the shadows. No one knew she existed, only the Supreme Deity did, and when she ordered (Y/N) to go and kill Elizabeth and Meliodas she refused which caused (Y/N) to being banished to the where the humans lived until The Coffin of Eternal Darkness was broken, and when it gets broken can she be free. Yet the deity had other plans for (Y/N), why else would she just put it until the seal is broken?

Yet freedom was all (Y/N) wanted in those 3,000 years, and when she was finally free just imagine her dissatisfaction when there are multiple people that want her.

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į“į“œŹ€ į“…į“į“”É“źœ°į“€ŹŸŹŸ | į“į“‡ŹŸÉŖį“į“…į“€źœ± x Ź€į“‡į“€į“…į“‡Ź€ by lostgipsydanger
14 parts Ongoing
(Y/n), the eldest child of the Purgatorian Queen, has been sealed away in the treacherous lands she was born in along with her younger brother and her callous mother. Her punishment for befriending both the Demon and Goddess race is to be forgotten by the rest of the world, including her lover, the eldest son of the Demon King, who was also cursed to love their best friend Elizabeth, the only child of the Supreme Deity. The moment to be reunited with Meliodas and Elizabeth finally arrives when Elizabeth's true lover, the youngest son of the Demon King, contacts (Y/n) to tell her that one of the Ten Commandments has successfully broken the seal placed on both the Demon Realm and Purgatory. With Zeldris by her side, (Y/n) intends to keep the promise she made to the one who changed her life, to bring an end to all three Gods to make sure that everyone can live in a peaceful world. (Y/n)'s love may have gotten her cursed but her love is the very thing that will drive her on to protect Meliodas. Enduring 3,000 years of hell was nothing and if saving Meliodas means turning the whole world against her then so be it. šŸŒø šŸ’› šŸŒø āį“”į“‡ŹŸŹŸ, į“”į“‡ŹŸŹŸ, į“”į“‡ŹŸŹŸ. Źį“į“œ'Ź€į“‡ į“˜Ź€į“‡į“›į“›Ź į“…ÉŖŹ€į“›Ź-į“ÉŖÉ“į“…į“‡į“….āž āį“É“ŹŸŹ Ź™į“‡į“„į“€į“œźœ±į“‡ Źį“į“œ ÉŖį“į“˜ŹŸÉŖį“‡į“… ÉŖį“›!āž šŸŒø šŸ’› šŸŒø ā į““įµ’Ź· įµˆā±įµˆ Ź·įµ‰ įµįµ’ į¶ Ź³įµ’įµ įµ‡įµ‰ā±āæįµ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµ–įµ‰Ź³į¶ įµ‰į¶œįµ— įµ—Ź·įµ’ įµ€įµ’ Ė¢įµ—Ź³įµƒāæįµįµ‰Ź³Ė¢ ā±āæ įµƒ Ź³įµ’įµ’įµ? į“µ'įµįµƒ āæįµ‰įµ‰įµˆ Ė¢įµ’įµįµ‰ įµ—Ź°įµ‰Ź³įµƒįµ–Źø āž šŸŒø šŸ’› šŸŒø š—œ š—ŗš—®š—±š—² š˜š—µš—² š˜€š˜š—¼š—暝˜†'š˜€ š—°š—¼š˜ƒš—²š—æ š—¼š—» š—–š—®š—»š˜ƒš—® š—Æš˜‚š˜ š˜š—µš—² š—¶š—ŗš—®š—“š—²š˜€ š—±š—¼ š—»š—¼š˜ š—Æš—²š—¹š—¼š—»š—“ š˜š—¼ š—ŗš—²!
You Promised... by SarahGalaxy2
75 parts Ongoing
(Y/n), (L/n) is a powerful warrior in the demon clan, she's also the second leader of the ten commandments and the wife of the Demon King's oldest son, meliodas. He promised (Y/n) that he will only love her, only for him to break it when he meets a certain goddess, the Supreme deity's daughter, Elizabeth and started to change towards (Y/n) becoming heartless and cold to his wife, this had her be suspicious and confused of why he is acting like this, so she decided to follow him one day. Only to have her heart broke into pieces when she saw meliodas be with the goddess Elizabeth, looking happy and soft to her and not to (Y/n), she left before she could watch anything else happen. She started to distance and be cold to her husband. One day, when (Y/n) went on a mission that had her meet Elizabeth who had fallen in love with her, (Y/n) finally has someone that loves and care for her causing her to betrayed the demon clan then one day, meliodas did as well. Meliodas regretted deeply for hurting his wife and betraying her after seeing her so happy with his brother and elizabeth that helped fix the pieces of her broken heart. Then everything changed when the Demon King and Supreme Deity had cursed the two demons and the Goddess, where meliodas will never age and be revived, the Goddess will reincarnated with no memories of her past and live a short life as a human, (Y/n) having to watch her lover die in front of her and couldn't do anything to protect her when the goddess curse activates. This curse is a suffering but mostly to meliodas where he has to see (Y/n) fall in love with Elizabeth over and over again, not able to do anything about it. He finally understood his wife's pain, so he promised himself to only love her. But, it seems elizabeth and meliodas isn't the only one that is after (Y/n)'s heart when she started meeting people that become important her and began to love her of who she is and will do anything to keep her safe and happy no matter.
į“Ź É¢į“œį“€Ź€į“…ÉŖį“€É“ į“€É“É¢į“‡ŹŸ | į“¢į“‡ŹŸį“…Ź€ÉŖźœ± x Ź€į“‡į“€į“…į“‡Ź€ by lostgipsydanger
33 parts Complete
(Y/n) is the younger sister of Elizabeth, the Commandment of Benevolence, the leader of the Ten Commandments. Or at least this is who Elizabeth was before she betrayed the Demon race and started the Holy War with her lover, Meliodas; the eldest son of the Supreme Deity. The two Gods placed a curse not only on the two lovers but also on the younger son of the Supreme Deity, Zeldris, who helped them to escape. Elizabeth is cursed with immortality whereas the Goddess brothers are cursed to live as Humans without any recollection of their pasts. If either one regains their memories, they both die three days later and are resurrected as Humans again. And this cruel cycle goes on and on. Now that she's the only Royal child in the Demon Realm, (Y/n) will make sure she becomes the next Demon Queen. Her cruel mother murdered her best friend, Gelda, from the Vampire race and cursed her other best friend, Zeldris. So (Y/n) made a promise to them that she would make her mother pay for the pain she inflicted upon them. And for Zeldris who saved her all those years, (Y/n) will burn the whole world just to see him safe and happy. Because he means everything to her. šŸŒø šŸ’œ šŸŒø āŹ™į“‡ÉŖÉ“É¢ į“€ į“…į“‡į“į“É“ į“…į“į“‡źœ±É“'į“› į“…į“‡źœ°ÉŖÉ“į“‡ į“”Źœį“ Źį“į“œ į“›Ź€į“œŹŸŹ į“€Ź€į“‡.āž āźœ±į“€Źźœ± į“›Źœį“‡ É¢į“į“į“…Ź-į“›į“”į“-źœ±Źœį“į“‡źœ± É¢į“į“…į“…į“‡źœ±źœ±.āž šŸŒø šŸ’œ šŸŒø ā į“µį¶  Ź·įµ‰ įµįµ’ įµˆįµ’Ź·āæ, įµ—Ź°įµ‰āæ Ź·įµ‰ įµįµ’ įµˆįµ’Ź·āæ įµ—įµ’įµįµ‰įµ—Ź°įµ‰Ź³ įµ‚įµ‰'Ė”Ė” įµįµ‰įµ— įµƒŹ·įµƒŹø Ź·ā±įµ—Ź° įµ‰įµ›įµ‰Ź³Źøįµ—Ź°ā±āæįµ į“øįµ‰įµ—'Ė¢ Ė¢Ź°įµ’Ź· įµ—Ź°įµ‰įµ Ź·įµ‰ įµƒŹ³įµ‰ įµ‡įµ‰įµ—įµ—įµ‰Ź³ āž šŸŒø šŸ’œ šŸŒø š—œ š—ŗš—®š—±š—² š˜š—µš—² š˜€š˜š—¼š—暝˜†'š˜€ š—°š—¼š˜ƒš—²š—æ š—¼š—» š—–š—®š—»š˜ƒš—® š—Æš˜‚š˜ š˜š—µš—² š—¶š—ŗš—®š—“š—²š˜€ š—±š—¼ š—»š—¼š˜ š—Æš—²š—¹š—¼š—»š—“ š˜š—¼ š—ŗš—²!
The Cursed God And The Cursed Demon by SarahGalaxy2
79 parts Ongoing
This is the story of a young woman name (Y/N), who is the first princess of the demon clan even the leader of the ten commandments, she is known to be the most feared dangerous demon that ever existed in the demon clan. One day, a holy war had come upon all clans, having the goddess clan to have the opportunity to destroy the demon clan. (Y/N) thought this war is pointless until she came upon the prince of the goddess clan who is meliodas the son of the supreme deity that's where (Y/N) life changed ever since meeting meliodas, but only for them to face the consequences of their relationship together and sins, they committed that lead them to a suffering unbreakable cursed. (Y/N) become the leader of the most dangerous group called the Seven Deadly Sins but has the grandmaster had been killed, the Seven Deadly Sins were framed for the death of the grandmaster which leads them to get separated. 10 years later, (Y/N) has become a bar owner called the boar hat until one day, a rusty armor knight came to her tavern and passed out having the helmet fall off showing the love of her life. "we meet again... meliodas." [Hello everybody, this is the story of the reader and meliodas but switching roles where you are a demon and meliodas is a god, I decided to do this story because I see nobody does it, so meliodas will be like Elizabeth acted in the anime but sorta different and y/n will be like how meliodas acted but be sorta different as well anyway I'll try to update new chapters as i can, but I hope you'll enjoy my story, thank you.]
Transgression by ell00i
6 parts Ongoing Mature
During the Holy War three thousand years ago where the Goddess and Demon races faced off as arch rivals, you, a noble human seamstress were drafted into battle due to your unique magical powers. But, despite their heavenly name, the Goddess race did have underhand ways of accomplishing their goals... such as tasking you with the impossible; the assassination of Meliodas. Turning against both the Supreme Diety and the Demon King, you let Meliodas escape and attacked Sir Ludociel of the Four Archangels. This was a sin so horrible that you created yet another pillar of sin; Transgression. From the punishment of the Supreme Diety and Demon King, you were cursed to an emotionless life as an immortal. However, the one way to break this curse, never did seem that apparent to you as it felt impossible. That was... until you met him. Arthur Pendragon. Your Arthur. As a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, it's now up to you, along with your comrades to liberate Britannia, and prevent the revival of the Demon race. But along the way, something happens between you and Arthur that you couldn't have ever hoped for... . . . Hey, thank you for reading! This story will be mostly be following the plotline of the Seven Deadly Sins anime/manga, and the Four Knights of The Apocolypse anime/manga. Some scenes were glossed over in the anime yet were included in the manga??? So I had to throw them in for our lovely boy Arthur and also! this is a rather big jump from my previous works writing style, so please bear with me as I try to get better with my style. I hope you enjoy!! Rankings: #3 in Arthurxreader 9/21 2024
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13 parts Complete

It's been five years. Five years since the demon king had been defeated. Five years since what was left of the Ten Commandments steps down. Five years since peace began. Migas could never imagine it. She had so many years under he belt and Ban's blood definitely is helping her grow. She looks more adult now then even her half brothers, well minus Estarosa-or as he goes by now Mael. So needless to say she's known she can live whatever life she chooses now. Yet, she now has three over protective brothers looking after her. One of which is getting married in the next few weeks but, refused to give her a plus one. She thought it was fun and a good idea until she finds out about a little growing surprise while she's on the middle of traveling up to see her brother. Out of pure shock she tells Elizabeth and things spiral from there. Now it's all up to Migas to keep Meliodas, Zeldris and Mael from hunting down her baby daddy and be heading him. She also has to make sure the wedding goes off with out a hitch now or else her conscious will get the best of her. Hopefully with any luck this wedding will be viewed as blessed by the gods...or you know it might be a burning heap of trash. One things for sure, it's gonna be fun.