(MY VERSION OF HOW MITSUHA AND TAKI MEET EACH OTHER AGAIN AFTER MITSUHA SUCCESSFULLY SAVES THE PEOPLE OF ITOMORI FROM THE COMET THAT SPLIT) Note : This version of the ending changes not only how Taki and Mitsuha meet but when they meet as well. (it's not right after itomori is saved lel, Taki still chose to only write "I love you" on Mitsuha's hand back when they met during Kataware Doki ) If you want me to be precise about what portion of the movie serves as the basis for this story then here are the Time Stamps : 0:03:21 - 1:32:46 This is because I need to exclude the monologue at the beginning and the nandemonaiya sequence at the end of the movie if I want to change the time of their reunion. If you're wondering about how much I'm going to tweak it, weLL- in the movie it's 5 years for Taki and 8 for Mitsuha (since it's later revealed that the body switch happening through a gap of 3 years). Here it will be 3 years and about 6 months after the comet strikes. So 3 years and 6 months of living with faded memories of Taki for Mitsuha (She's 20 now, turning 21 soon) and only 6 months of the same with Taki's memories of Mitsuha (6 months after he made the trip to a destroyed itomori and created a timeline in which Mitsuha and the people of Itomori are saved) (Also he's 17 now, turning 18 soon).All Rights Reserved