Has anyone ever wondered about the star right next to right? Everyone has been told the tale of Neverland, and the great lost boy; Peter Pan, yet nobody has spoken about the star on the left.
There is a hidden Prophecy that states that the first lost boy and the first lost girl will fall in love and both Neverland and Revenwood will collide and become a unit; saving both of the worlds from destruction.
Though that wasn't to become of the Prophecy for neither of them got the memo.
So it has been told of the lost boy that he must have the heart of the truest believer to keep his youth and save Neverland.
And for the lost girl she had to get the first lost boy ever to kiss her on his own, and then take his heart.
But when identities were stolen, when relationships intensify, when trust is tested, when betrayal runs deep. For they both want to save what they believe in.
And so the games begins,
For the shadow fell in love with a girl, and the girl falls in love with the shadow.