Do you miss to see Shen Wei is physically as a guy? Let's enjoy to see Shen Wei as a guy physically in this story. Shen Wei is a hermaphrodite which has two sex (guy and girl) which living as a guy in this world. But he is naturally dominant to a girl for his reproductive, mentally and inside. Since his mother lost her boy child which is Shen Yezhun, she makes Shen Wei to be dominant as a guy, instead of his dominant a girl. Shen Wei grown up as a guy but mentally, he wants to be a girl. He met with Zhao Yunlan, the chief of SID that coincidentally involved in a case of kidnapping the students from DCU. Zhao Yunlan is a boy that gave Shen Wei the antique pendant when he was a child before Yezhun lost, but they were separated for the work of Zhao Yunlan's dad that transferred to the Dragon City. Zhao Yunlan thought Shen Wei is Yezhun. What's happened when Shen Wei fell in love to Zhao Yunlan and vice versa? Can Zhao Yunlan accept Shen Wei? How about their parents especially Mr. Zhao that knowing his son fell in love to Shen Wei as he thought Shen Wei is a guy, but oppositely?
Author's note: This is my 12th story of WeiLan fan fiction. This time I made a different story to make Shen Wei lives as a guy but he can pregnant. But as usual, mentally, he is a girl in this story for his hermaphrodite sex. As always, the characters of the story are all borrowed from the owner of guardian drama and novel. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting my stories.