Our favorite team (I can already see the comments "bUt thEyRe noT mY faVoriTe teaM") got a mission from Tsunade, it's going to be a long journey to the hidden idontcare village so they have three days to get prepared, on the third, Lee and Neji decided to meet up with Tenten at her house to discuss the details of the mission... but little did they know they were in for an unpleasant surprise...
This is going to be an extremely violent fic, so if you're easily scared or you have some sort of trauma, I suggest that you don't read this, go read some fluff instead.
I also suggest you don't read this if you're a young child, I don't want any parents on my dm's complaining about their little angel having nightmares because they ignored the warning I put on a fic that is clearly for a more mature audience, please don't think this is going to be kid friendly just because it's Naruto.
If you still want to read it, please be careful, I don't want anybody getting traumatized because of me.
Still here? okay then, but don't say I didn't warn you.