"What if it was Sokka in this situation then what?" He ask her getting a little angry, "I already know the answer, you would help him because he's family and that's why I'm going the try and help my family so I'll ask you once more, will you help me help my sister Katara?"
But even though there's all that I still want to kiss he- WAIT DID I REALLY JUST THINK THAT, well as long I didn't say it out loud. I know I can never confess it but...I love you Azula with all my heart, I lo-'
"Ty Lee, You what?"
"Well, the meeting should be starting about now, too late to turn back so I guess it's go time."
"Hey! You can't be here! Leave now!"
"This is Something I Might Regret, but I have to, for Her."
"I hate you Zuko," she whispered in a barley audible voice, "I hate you so much. You're worse than Ozai." She said still whispering has she began to turn and walk away.
"I'm stationing the Elite Royale Guard for Azula's room, since you are now a Kyoshi Warrior if you or any of them engage with the Guard, it will be seen and treated as an act of war."
"Well you sure took your sweet time getting here, and you seemed to make a few friends as well. Now hurry up and get me out of these shackles."
"Yes Lord Ozai, at once.
It has been five Years since the Hundred Years war has ended, the Avatar bringing balance to a once broken world. In that time in what was once the Fire Nation colonies in the Earth kingdom have begun to organize themselves into a brand new country, the Water tribes of the North and South have reconnected after a century and the Fire Nation had stopped its global conquest. But even in this new era of Peace their are those in the Fire Nation who disagree with the change of government. From Pubs and meeting houses Whispers begin to mount as people wonder if the new ways are truly any better than the old ways had been. A storm is growing that cannot be stopped.
Lord Sung Yang struggles with the choices he made during the war, Ghosts from his past haunting his dreams. But as a new war brews can Sung let the past go and come to an Old friends aid? Or will he sit back and watch as years of progress are burned to the ground?
Azula is broken and alone in a world that has forgotten her name. She often wonders what could have been if she had done things differently. Now as a new threat looms over the land will she change for the better, or will her old ways come back with a vengeance.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Avatar The Last Airbender. Only the Original Characters I have created.
#1 in earthbender 03/27/23
#2 in azula 12/16/24