Hello beautiful people,
I am @misscreative_riya, I love to write and to create art in general. I really wish to publish a book some day but I currently do not have the resources. Till then, I hope you enjoy my work online.
About the article :
In this age of westernization, we are slowly forgetting our own wonderful culture. In times of covid, everyone is suffering but there's one group particularly hard hit. This article hopes to focus your attention and put the spotlight on them and inspire you to get traditional this Diwali.
About the essay :
I desperately wanted to write something to prove to myself I still have the skill since I haven't done so for a while now and thought what better topic to wrtie about than my traumatic festival experiences. I was right, this topic was easy for me to write about, I had a lot to say after all. I wrote about a thousand words at once with no difficulty in one go, probably because I write the same thing in my head every year.
This essay is about the fun times and the not-so-fun times.
If you are from my Instagram, a very warm welcome. If you found me here and like my work, kindly check out my Instagram @misscreative_riya for more. It has art, photography and more literary works. You can also find more works by me here on my Wattpad account.
Thanks a lot for reading, it means the world to me. Have a great day! <3
Instagram : @misscreative_riya
Tumblr : @theteenartist
Pinterest : @ThatBlackKat