Queen of Earth and Starlight
10 Partes Continúa Many ages ago, the Eru Illúvitar had awoken the elves, and they had gone all throughout Middle Earth. While others had chosen locations such as Imladris, Lindon, or Mirkwood the blessed Lady Galadriel, had another place in mind, during the first few ages. A beautiful forest that lay close to Misty Mountains, that ancient dwarven kingdom with the Anduin river on its Eastern side, was called Lothlorien. Shortly after,Lady Galadriel and her husband welcomed their firstborn into the world and named them Winyára, for she was born during the first light in the morning. As the daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn, she spent her elfish life learning. From learning her mother tongues of Quenya & Sindarin, to learning all they could about nature and defense skills; to not only protect herself but others as well. Eventually, the time had finally come, when she was older, wiser, and was ready to find her own path. A path that leads to an ancient dwarven kingdom inside of the Misty Mountains. This path is a massive part of her journey, and once she starts it there will be no turning around. Only looking on ahead and continuing along. Join Winyára, daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn on this quest towards her true calling. Although there will be times of doubt, sadness, and peril that will occur in this fictional tale. It will be full of deep platonic friendships, romance, with the main character discovering, what it means to stand firm in her power.