This is Growing up by Ivey Growing up is really lame, at least To me Growing up is a part of your life in which you finally need to start taking responsibility for the things you've done Growing up is inevitable Given your still alive by the time happens and I think that's why it's such a hard concept for me to grasp. When did I Stop being a 4 year old When did 7&8 pass me by Why does my age have two digits instead of one, stop this isn't fun 11 years old then I've kissed someone(stereotypical) When did I become one of the big kids I used to watch and think hey I can't wait to be that big some day, gosh I was so lame When did hey that's a really nice picture u drew for me let me put it on the fridge become Ivey idc stop drawing a picture of an elephant where are you going to college when did I become big, What happened about not having to care about my future what happened to hey mom I skinned my knee playing tag with my friends will you make me a grilled cheese sandwich..