Explore the galaxy far, far away in the aftermath of the Battle of Exegol. The New Republic is a fledgling government, the various systems still rife with crime. Hiding among the populaces are ex-First Order executives who survived the regime's defeat at the hands of the Resistance. Ada Zahn and her brainy companion, Krindi Iro, scour the galaxy for war criminals and bring them to justice. But one such group poses a new threat to the newfound peace by claiming to hold the key to the door between life and death itself. Ada must come to terms with her past in order to face this new enemy, and all the painful memories they unleash.
**Please note, there are some scenes and language that are NSFW, may be triggering for some, so reader discretion is advised. I'll always add a note to the beginning of each chapter for content warnings, if needed. This story contains expletives, adult content, sex, kinks, some light bondage ;), and involves the stories of characters I don't own. This story is based off another one I wrote in the past, so some of the content might be slightly repurposed. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it!**