Alexandria Johnson is the new girl in charming. But her father was in SAMCRO before he was murdered and she was taken away. She had a ruff life with an abusive step-dad as well as no good junkie mother. Now 24 Alexandria has been on the run to get alway from her past wanting to start fresh. She is a pro fighter never loses a fight. Great with computers and knows how to put people in their place and is best friends with happy. Has an I.Q of 192 and is a doctor at St. Thomas hospital part time. Along the way she has caught the eye of the famous blued eyed Jackson Teller although they have a few bumps along the way. (A little Tara bashing) set season one mixed in with the other season mixed in a little. (I don't own any of the SOA characters except the ones I create) I'll update as much as possible PG 13+ at the moment probably M and/ or R rated later on depends on what happens.All Rights Reserved