After everything that had happened with Big Mom, Straw-Hat Luffy or Monkey D. Luffy, was in a comatose state for the next few weeks and wanted something that most people would think is impossible to do. Luffy wanted people to know why he did such crazy ideas, why he never, ever became a cruel, mean, and selfish young man, why he would go to such lengths to save his crewmates, how he became the young man, who could make impossible, possible in any given problem, have allies from any side, and how he morals that didn't match any pirate captain known in the world.
The former Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, heard the young lad's request and with the help of his lover, Portagas D. Rouge, they brought together the people that Luffy wanted to show his past to and show how he came to be. They brought people from the Marines, Pirates, the Revolutionaries, and a few others.
Marines: Garp, Sengoku, Koby, Helmeppo, Smoker, Tashigi, Aokiji, and Fujitora
Warlords: Jimbei, Hancock, Hawkeye, Crocodile, and Buggy(plus Hancock's sisters)
Royalty: Vinsmokes, Vivi, Rebecca, and Shirahoshi
Supernovas: All original eleven supernovas (plus three crew members from Law's Crew: Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo)
Revolutionaries: Dragon, Ivankov, Sabo, Hack, Koala
Pirates: Straw-Hats, Katakuri, and the Whitebeards (Rayleigh, former Vice-Captain and First-Mate of the Roger Pirates)
Yonko: Shanks, and Whitebeard (A few of Shanks' men will be with their captain)
(Whitebeard, Thatch, and Ace will be returned to living world to see Luffy's memories)
SideNote: Some characters who died in the past will be watching Luffy's memories in the background and see how he helped others. (Mostly the families of his Crew and Allies.) And I will have an OC for Luffy's mother because I know that she is alive, I just don't know where in the world she is.
Enjoy reading this memory fanfiction.
A young girl who dream to be the most strongest & independent Magician whole sea. But her dream got crushed when the last day where she supposed to get her scholarship ended with a certificate and a companion after all those years learning
Thyristsa Estella DeLuna, was crushed by it.
on that same day before she went to academy last day, she stumbled across a pirate group that apparently just bunch of rookies and their captain was a friend of hers from childhood. After the event of her graduation ceremony she decides to left her past life and move on with her new friends also with her dream to be accomplished alongside them.
Arc starts from After logue town!!
(Also reminder she's a mage not a witch 😅 And she'll have a spirit (bunny) shifter companion 'Terithsa' also now renamed 'becky' by her)
this anime and characters belong to ODA SENSEI! EIICHIRO ODA the goat who made this master piece of peak to ever exist in fiction.
The manga; (
nothing here is real.
fake body.
fictional story
fictional characters.
Sad story.
Foul language
self harm.
Audience age 13+
Reminder 🎗️
No stealing story. Don't comment that could violate my fanfic or your own account. Don't steal idea as for inspiration or at least credit me. There might be mischaracterize moments so don't expect so much. Don't criticise anyone or myself nor my ocs
Kuma #2 🥈
goldroger #13
Jimbei #15
Crocodile #39