A 20 year old named Sonja who has a normal life in the real world. One fateful day, Sonja meets an incubator named Elsa which she has the power to grant wishes and also granting one wish in exchange of becoming a Magical Girl. Sonja being aware of what's going to happen if she become a Magical Girl which she knows about it by watching Madoka Magica. Luckily for Elsa that she's a lot more different than Kyubey. She can grant more than one wish even when they are Magical Girls and they are immune of becoming witches and the Soul Gems are unbreakable. Sonja is willing to take this chance and start the journey of her life. When she arrived, she meets the Cup brothers and had her voice taken by the Devil so she can help Cuphead and Mugman getting the Soul Contracts. Without her voice, she won't sing or talk.
4 parts