+ SUBLEASE: If you or anyone you know is looking for a place to stay in Beverly Hills, CA during the months of May-July, please contact the number below. Four bedroom, five bathroom home, maximum of eight tenants. Cheapest monthly rent in the area, fully furnished & all utilities included. Beautiful backyard with pool. Please contact by April 20th so arrangements can be made. +
When eight strangers from across America pick to live in a house together for three months, anything can happen. From nights they'll never remember to moments they'll never forget, these strangers experience it all. In a house where personal space and privacy are hard to find, the real personalities of their roommates start to show. Their deepest secrets, largest insecurities, and biggest pet peeves are brought up front in ways they never thought were possible. So what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real? What happens when people are forced to face reality?
** One Direction AU story **
This is not the same story that starts with a girl who's been abused or been in an orphanage for her entire life. No,this is the story of how a girl who had a happy life ended up on a big world of drama and fame.
Samantha was a normal girl. She had a really bad past but lived with her adoptive mother,Lucy. She loved Lucy more than anyone in the whole entire world, and Lucy loved her as her own, but what she didn't know was that her mom was One Direction's body guard. That was until she invited them to spend the summer over their house. Samantha hated One Direction but through time, she learned to love them. One day her mom dies on a car crash and that's when she gets adopted by One Direction.
What happens when there's secrets between all of them? Hertbreaking news? Fights? She never wanted too much drama in her life.......there's a secret that the boys are keeping from her. She saved them from doing the biggest mistake of their lifes which was-
well you're gonna have to read to find out!