1 part Complete I have always been fascinated by the concept that the Daleks, one day, may become re-humanized. This theme has been touched upon occasionally over the years, notably in "Evil of the Daleks" (TV, 1967) and many years later, in 2002, with Doctor Who Magazine's "Children of the Revolution", a tale which has its origins in "Evil". On neither of these occasions however, was the concept brought to a happy conclusion. Indeed, "C o t R" ends on a note which I for one, found deeply depressing.
In contrast, "Redemption" has been written deliberately to begin on a level field, rising as it progresses, to its upbeat and optimistic finale.
If "Redemption" may be said to have any kind of moral to its story, I think it is one of hope. Hope that despite all that Mankind does to interfere with the natural order of things in this world, Nature will, in the end, always come out on top. In the Dalek universe it is Davros who has interfered, in the most drastic fashion, with the natural order and it is Nature (albeit given a bit of a nudge by the Doctor) which, in the end, restores the balance.