Miles & Struggles chapter 1
1 part Ongoing Story of an inexperienced man trying to come in terms with his past, and fulfilling his dream of being the next great man in his family. Bringing fortune and prosperity under his name and finding new people around him. Miles Trevor is a 17 years old man who just had completed his school and now his father starts to plan a return to the countriside. Miles has started to do some research about new equipment for their home and he finds an expeptional deal from the internet. Until Miles reaches "Dawntown" called place, he comes across with weird rumours about the town and its leadership. It is only about time when we will find out what happens next.
This is the first chapter of a larger story, that is also available in animated form in Youtube from channel "Very Interesting Animations".
"Tough i am not the most experienced, nor the wisest yet, it is still me.I hate my former self, because he has learned everything too late! It is unfortunate, but it is no longer relevant. I will find the way to prove him wrong"
-Miles Trevor