There were always five tiers of power, first tier being the weakest and fifth tier being the strongest.
Everyone had a set of power. Or not everyone, some people were cursed to weild one power, or maybe no powers at all.
George was on the second tier. Below average, fearing for his safety his whole entire life, until Dream joined his life. Dream..
Dream was a different case. Dream somehow got above the strongest person in the world. Somehow, he was above the fifth tier. How this happened? No one knows.
It was scientifically proven this couldn't happen, so how did it happen to Dream, and why was he so strong?
And why did he fall in love with a second tier. Dream had decided after he had became friends with George that he'd protect him till the end of time. And once they started dating, Dream only got more protective of him.
With everyone out to defeat Dream, and Dream protecting a second tier with his life, things were bound to go wrong.
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Please read everything below here! They are important!
This story will have blood in it, it's a plot surrounding fighting and injuries, of course it'll have blood. I dont know how extreme it would be yet, but if you're sensitive to blood, vomiting, fighting, and possible death, then please don't read.
Theres plenty of other books, this one might just not be the right one to read:)