Neba is in a position that is vulnerable to attack by the Zadios - an opposition set to avenge Neba and overcome its territory at Neymen.
Emery Scother is a seventeen-year-old unpopular high school student with problems that she tries to deal with by letting them pile up and destroy what is left of her unstable emotional health.
Oddly, she is chosen by Neba to fight with the Neymens, help win the war and save their kingdom.
What happens when she is drowned in the history and mysteries of Neba and gets tangled in them, alongside her other human issues? Does Neba prevail, or does she let her emotions get the best of her?
His grip on my waist tightened, his eyes strictly taking in mine. "I'd never kill you or let you die, Emerald. When we'd be fighting and somehow a Zadio has you cornered, I'll know that all I have to do is to throw you an object, and I'll trust you to catch it and aim it right at your opponent, killing him. Then I'll tell you that I'm proud of you."