A tense and engaging techno-crime thriller, set in the present day and revolving around three university students from different backgrounds. Each has a unique relationship with their father; Joel's close parental bond is shattered when his father experiences a critical illness, Alex comes from a wealthy globetrotting family with a detached and workaholic father, and when a high-tech business deal in Russia goes wrong Theo's father mysteriously vanishes. Drawn together in their first year of studies by the events affecting their father's lives, they form a strong bond and share a passion for technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence. Joel's quest to help his father recover using AI technology is aided by their enigmatic university lecturer, Professor Khan, but upon learning of Theo's father's disappearance they become embroiled in an ingenious mafia cybercrime plot, designed to bring down the global economy. Deception, murder and intrigue ensue as the students race to help rescue Theo's father and prevent the cybercrime of the century.
29 parts