The story takes place in the fictional town of "Moonstone Hill, where every object and people has a dark history. At daytime it's full of energy and life but as the dusk appears so does the nightmare residing in the very deep of the town. Everyone knows about this unseen and mystical presence yet they want to stay unknown about it. For years, people residing there finds strange occurrences happening and murder made a few people investigate. But the local authority dismissed it as a case of an animal attack. But all this soon starts to change with the arrival of Benjamin Carson, a nineteen-year-old teenager who hates to explore. His curiosity will lead to many secrets out and a chance upon the mystical flower of the rare kind will turn things around for the worst. His newly found friends and their guts to raise their voice against the unknown might turn things for either good or worse. But for now, the mysterious presence is waiting..........All Rights Reserved