Once the great battleground of the gods during Ragnarok, the now populated coast of Norway is home to the city of Ludava. Our story revolves around some of the inhabitants of Ludava, specifically a boy named Callum. A few of these people, however, are sometimes not all they claim to be. With them, we experience a drastically changing world. Some might say we're headed for yet another Ragnarok, but only time may tell.
Recently, a 15 year old schoolgirl named Selma Osness died in a tragic accident while mountain climbing, or at least that's what people were saying. Many think that it wasn't an accident, and she was murdered, as the girl didn't show any signs of natural damage, and instead bore stab wounds on her body. However, the police department refuses to investigate it further, as they are positive it was some kind of accident caused by faulty equipment. Beyond this death, recently strange occurrences have begun happening. Disturbances in the town's electrical grid, things not working how they should, and nobody knows why...
The City of Dreamers is a book about change and adapting to something you may not be used to. In it, you will follow the lives of Secondary School students, and will experience their strange lives in this town.