First of all, this is just all fanfictions. Don't take it seriously, I'm just borrowing the actors and their life + the reference of the original novel Mo Dao Zu Shi (MDZS) to play part of this imagined story. Second, I don't own anything related throughout this story, except for the plots. Third, the story followed as much as the plot of the novel (without extra chapters), with a little amend. Lastly, very much thanks to @red_sun15 for the cover used and also helping me editing the first chapter of this volume.
Author Notes:
This story is the volume 1.1 of Swapped series. This volume can be read as a standalone story, but it's advisable to read the volume 1 if you're intrigued of this Swapped series. This volume 1.1 is served as the reminisce of the past life and what had happened to give you more insider explanation from volume 1 before proceeding to the next volume.
The characters of this volume:
Lan Yuan/Sizhui | Wei Ying/Wuxian | Lan Zhan/Wangji | Lan Shan/Jingyi | Jin Ling/Rulan | Lan Yu/Yixing || All other MDZS characters
The story is taken place after the final chapter of Mo Dao Zu Shi. The sole focus of the story is Lan Yuan/Sizhui, giving you an insight of the past. Lan Yuan/Sizhui's youth and growth also the life of the people surrounding him will be retell in this story.
Curiosity is a dangerous thing .
There is a saying that curiosity kills .
Well that's what happens here in the case of Wei wuxian but it doesn't kill him it bounds his heart forever and make him realise somethings which he was totally unaware of about himself.
An Alternate universe :
In which Wei wuxian isn't expelled out of Gusu Lan because he was busy thinking about some glorious things that he didn't pay attention to Jin Zixuan words.