" "How did you find me?" "You don't exactly blend into the crowd" "Why are you here, Foster." "Because It's been eight years. You promised I could come get you in eight years." "I should have said ten." "Why?" "Because everything seems to go blurry after that. It's better if you all forget me" "That's not an easy thing to do." "Why?" "Perfection can't be erased." " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keefe Left not long after finding out his mommas part of the Neverseen. He just disappeared, leaving almost no clue to his whereabouts. Except for a promise to Sophie, that in eight years when all of this was done and over with, she could come bring him back to the Lost Cities. But now it's hard to leave the life he created for himself behind. The one thing he doesn't know is the gift Lady Gisela left behind to lure him back to the lost cities. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Is a Sokeefe oriented story. Sorry Sofitz shippers out there. Also, cover Art is not mine, it belongs to @sosodoodles As of 1/2/21: #8 in kotlc #5 in keeperofthelostcities #77 in Coma #49 in Neverseen #4 in winh #205 in sophiefoster #132 in fitzvacker #170 in keefesencen #93 in linhsong #110 in tamsong #21 in wylieendal #45 in marellaredek #22 in dexiana #864 in bianavackerAll Rights Reserved