'"Little girls can get hurt outside in the woods alone- in fact older girls like you can even more so." He said softly. OK. It was official. The creep was really going to murder me tonight in the woods- so which way to run? Red beanie? Check Dead Grandma? Check Wolf...? Nope- oh wait there’s the howl- check! Think of Little Red Riding Hood- but with a red beanie, an awesome bike and a mouthful of sarcasm. You’ve got Phoenix Hood. 17 year old Phoenix has just moved to America and has found a glamorous part time job as a post man. And when delivering a parcel to the old woman who lives in the middle of the forest ends up with a dead old woman and a creepy encounter with a dark eyed, tall (nasty) stranger who promises to take her out of the woods safely- things can’t get any worse for Phoenix especially when they only seem to be going deeper into the forest. And although she makes it out of the forest alive and in one piece, (minus her beanie) it’s not long before trouble sniffs her out like a wild wolf. What is her connection with the creepy old woman and why does it seem like she’s being followed and that soon she too will be decapitated like dear old Grandma? But why her?All Rights Reserved