Riverdale takes a turn for the worst and if there was just a bit more good in Riverdale it was now gone because of a masked man called the Black Hood. Skylar Andrews has just been shot in the little diner called Pop's. Fred Andrews got shot trying to protect her. Will she make it? Will her mental health get worse? Will she be able sing again? There is a lot of questions and they will all be answered in Book 2 of the Jughead Jones series. Sequel of "Is Love at First Sight" (I suggest to read that one first) Top Tags: #99- season2 #68-fangsfogarty #268-tonitopaz #179-archiecomics #233-sweetpea #286-cherylblossom #494-bettycooper #111-kevinkeller #336-veronicalodge #315-archieandrews