Summary: A group of young teenagers from the nearby town decide to go exploring on the night before Halloween. But what they decide to explore is not what you would expect, they explore a spooky old mansion beyond the edge of town. Everything seemed to be okay at first, but then everything started to go wrong. One thing they didn't know though was that there was a murderer in their midst. But 15 years later the story still continues life had continued and they are now in their 30's. They thought that their nightmare was over but it isn't and they think it never will be, but will it end you have to figure that out for yourself. One story ended another begins, but which is more deadly. Warnings: Please don't read if any of these things might be a problem for you. 1) People being murdered by a friend. 2) People being murdered. 3) Details of how they were murdered. 4) Details on how their bodies were found. 5) Pictures might be a trigger as some might be slightly graphic. 6) Character death. 7) Exc. Extra Info: 1) To find out more on this story please read it to find out. 2) There will be profiles for each of the characters. 3) If you want to read the first version of this story that I wrote please go to my story titled (Holiday Stories) and then go to the chapter titled (The Murders In The Old Mansion).All Rights Reserved