A shattered world, a sea of sky, and a thousand islands linked together only by the ships that sail beneath the endless blue. Where island kingdoms dream of empire, old allegiances fray under new stress, and old secrets are being unearthed. And into this maelstrom of change, the Ravens' Child is born.
They are a clan of four now. Vincent Locklear, cast out of Volante's navy, and carrying the fate of the sky in his heart. Mercy Larkin, giving up finding her place in the world in favour of building it. Anita Hoffman, adrift by choice with one ear to the winds for the family she abandoned. And Leslie Madrigan, stripped of his title by family, and his family by pirates and politics. And in their new ship, paid for by a burden that has shattered islands, they will make their own place beneath the endless blue sky.
Children of unkindness, the Ravens' child. And the legacy of unkindness is sorrow.
Sorrow, and wings.
(Cover art by @rentachi)
Left alone in the world after his aunt's death and forgotten by those he loved, Peter Parker had nothing left to live for.
What happens when he runs into one Scarlet Witch and an unlikely friendship arises?
Wanda, broken by the world and misunderstood, took Peter under her wing as something of a younger brother.
And together they live, struggling, but the happiest they've been for some time - since their worlds came crashing down upon them.
Wanda and Peter are peaceful until it goes horribly south; Peter winds up in another universe and must struggle to get back.
Harry Potter's life had been abnormal to say the very least. But when a strange boy appears at Hogwarts at the start of term feast and four years later than he should have, all hell is bound to break loose..
Especially when that same mysterious teenager claims to have come from another universe, one in which he must get back to his sister.