I am 20 years old and I have terrible nightmares. I am a lucid dreamer which means that I am sometimes able to control my dreams but I also have lucid nightmares. Lucid nightmares are when you have control over your own actions in the dream knowing that you can't control the outcome and the event of the dream. I decided to write about them in hopes that they will stop and return to having a good night sleep. Some of these nightmares took place a while ago but if I have any more I will immediately write about them. If I don't post on here for a while that means I'm not having any nightmares to write about. I will warn you my nightmares are extremely fucked up. I will explain further in the first chapter so you as the reader can understand what I go through in my nightmares. I'm not making any of these stories up they actual nightmares that I had and I wish I was faking them. I hope you like the horror that plagues my mind when I sleep.