Water. It bubbled in my throat, as I gulped down a knot. Spilling in my lungs. It glistened in a waving light, washing out my eyes. Mixing beading tears. I coughed, ripping to sit up. Eating at air, liquid spilling out the holes of my body. White knuckles gripping the tub. Wishing I had just... weighed myself down.
I was scorned under my mothers tongue. Wobbling over cracked pavement, neighborhood eyes staring wide, never blinking. Sitting in a desk, watching blank faces, sanded skin. Alex's smile, leaching with grey. Grey walls, grey ceilings, grey people. A grey car, roaring to my side. A stranger reaching out his hand. Flies seeping through the cracks of his stretching, joyous mask.
The shut of the car door. The tearing of my sweatpants through nails. And my breathless voice, whispering to the man next to me; "Please, please kill me."
He drove me to his apartment. Caressed his hands over my waist, up my neck. Easing into the brush of fingers, before he wrapped thin arms over my skeleton body. Tainted and bruised, but bandaged. Thrown but kissed, but punched, but warm. Hugged by a pile of bones, the man pressing his lips against my greasy, dreaded hair.
I love you, sunflower. I love you, I love you, I love you.
I cooked him dinner. I wiped his counters. Wiped the blood from his floor, blurry in tears. I wore his clothes. He was pale with tinted cheeks, pursed and pink. Almond eyes. Pattered in chocolate freckles. Sun dripped down his body, down his pillow, as he giggled through white teeth. He'd kiss, he'd feel, and he'd snap. He'd hold tight, and he'd stab, and stab, and stab. And when the night soaked the bed, when he'd curl me into sheets and blankets, he'd soften my bones with the peck of his lips.
Holding the tip of the blade to my stomach.
***This story dives into descriptions of abduction, kidnapping, gaslighting, blood, gore, rape, sex, murder, depression, and attempted suicide. Read at your own risk, this is a work of fiction.
My hand slaps against my mouth as I try to shut myself up. Don't make too much noise...or he'll hear you.
A vehicle's door opens then slams shut. I don't hear footsteps...but as the minutes go by I begin to hear them; the footsteps get louder and louder and louder, matching the sound of my thundering heart.
That's when I see his shadow cast over the ditch...over the place where I tried to hide.
"Well," he says with a smile in his voice. "I wonder where he could've gone...the footprints stop here...so I wonder if he just...disappeared?"
My body begins to tremble. I can feel it now. The pain. I can feel the pain already.
He jumps down into the ditch...he stands directly in front of me, with his back facing me.
My hand presses harder against my mouth as I try to suppress my whimper, but it's way too late now.
But his body tenses up when he hears it. He laughs bitterly as he turns around slowly, and his eyes cut through my camouflage easily.
"There you are."