Felix is a loner and used to being alone to make music to "escape" from this world. He travels sometimes to get inspiration for his music. But this time was different, he moved to Seoul and found it to be beautiful and had even more beautiful people. They had great singers too! He thought he had a chance of being happy here.
One day while Felix was walking to his favorite cafe and someone ran into him. Making them spill their Carmel Macchiato on him and having Felix drop his bag, since it was fall and was cold out he had one his favorite white long coat. Which was most definitely ruined. "I'm so sorry" Felix said,surprised and a bit shocked. "No, no! I'm sorry I'm the one that ran into you! Here let me clean this up." He grabbed some napkins and started to clean off Felix's coat. "Again, I'm really sorry, I ruined your coat" he apologized as he picked up my bag and gave it to me. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going so it's also my fault" Felix said in his deep voice. The man looked at Felix, but could only see his eyes and some freckles due to Felix having his mask cover most of his face. Seeing the freckles the man stared for a minute. Confused on why the man kept on staring at his face Felix asked "Is there something on my face Sir?"
The people around them started to whisper amongst themselves on what was happening between these two and what was gonna happen next.