[Based off the Hetamovie Idea: Knowledge Of The Truth] [Part 1/4] "...Please, I don't want to let go. I don't want to die..." Arthur cried. "...Hush, mon cher. I'm here..." Francis reassured. Arthur Kirkland, or as mortals knew him, England - was always a bit of an enigma. Presented to all as a blatant and sassy individual. Mean to many yet quite private about himself. He was often hated by many, even his own family. There were many reasons why, albeit no one ever tried to love him. To know him. To understand him. If he ever died, would anybody remember him? ----- Just a little note. This oneshot was also to, I suppose, spread awareness? I've been hearing that the United Kingdom has arguably becoming less and less important in the world. Yes, the United Kingdom is still a big power player, but not as much as how it was back then. I wouldn't explain more for this will become too long, but as someone who loves the United Kingdom, I just thought of bringing this up and hopefully letting others know about this; whether it may affect you or not. It will surely just really be a shame to see the United Kingdom crumble and disappear from this world. Though it is inevitable, I just don't want it to be now... Anyway, this is where I also took inspiration from. I hope you enjoyed it, and thank you so much for reading! ----- Movie idea belongs to Karma and HeyHeydaddy from Youtube Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya Inspired by the video History Is Now by xMarinePearlx [ ~ Here's to commemorate the return of Hetalia in 2021! ~ ]Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone
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