Welcome to the World Of Remnant, a world divided into four Kingdoms, held apart by the Grimm dark creatures and bandits all over the world.
Rhada Manthus, Aquilo Eventus, Gi Manes and Erunyes Lodess...This is Mistral, located close to the desert island. Here, Team R.A.G.E. train at Haven Academy for their Huntsman and Huntress roles to protect Remnant. They do not realize that apart from the Grimm, there are more difficult threats to challenge, like the BluePipe, the other teams, and themselves......
(Welcome to my RWBY Fanfic, at the moment, I am going through some technical difficulties....it won't appear on my works, therefore I cannot add any parts for the moment. Sorry if you are waiting for another part...I am trying to get it sorted!!!)